Saturday 31 December 2011

An Alcoholic's Resolution

Some fun in Ottava Rima for New Year's. Apologies to George.

I want a beer: oh, an uncommon want,
  When every New Year’s Eve sends forth a slew,
Which I demolish in some favourite haunt,
   To bid the last twelve months a fond adieu;
But when I wake up, wracked with pain, and gaunt,
   I swear I’ll never sup another brew — 
So pounding is my headache New Year’s Day,
That only beer can make it go away...

Thursday 8 December 2011

An Unexpected Gift

An allegory so thinly veiled, I might as well have cling-filmed it.

I received an unexpected gift
early one morning
I opened the door, and there she was:
A little white kitten.
I called her “Snowy”.

When she was young,
Snowy was fun
and fluffy and playful.
I'd say we frolicked,
but that is such a loaded word.

But almost overnight,
I woke up to find that
Snowy's heart had turned to ice.
She'd stick her cold claws into my fingers,
get under my feet,
& try & trip me up
& break my neck
at every

I fucken hate Snowy.